Tanah Toraja, a famous tourist attraction with its cultural wealth. District is located approximately 350 km north of Makasar is very popular with the customary form of house building. The traditional house called Tongkonan. The roof was made of nipa or palm leaves and can survive up to 50 years. Tongkonan also has undergraduate degrees in accordance strata of nobility like the gold, bronze, iron and brass.
Aceh’s natural charm save a lot of remarkable. In some previous travel articles, has been discussed about the charm of the stunning coast of Aceh. This time, will be discussed on Kutacane natural charm, where we can see the mountains and the sky was no limit, and it certainly is a rare sight in big cities. You may ask, why say the sky and sea without limits? This is indeed a fact because in Kutacane, you can see how the clouds and mountains into a unity which shows the harmony of nature that describe how beautiful paintings of the Creator’s hand.
Natural beauty is the main attraction for writers. For this reason, the moment is not wasted by the authors to take pictures of this stunning scenery. How does the author do not feel amazed, with my own eyes with a clearly visible white cloud that surrounded the mountains like a crown of snow that adorned the green plains that stretch. Wow, amazing, is not it? Not satisfied with these spectacular views, this time the writer went on a trip to the countryside in Aceh Tenggara. In the area, this time evident that the clear water flow was strong among the trees and green grass. Well, the flow of water and trees around it to make us forget for a moment would fatigue the big cities, because there we could hear voices cry in water tickling her ears and beautiful green trees and natural grass in the area.Head of Bengkulu Province Tourism Office Edi Nevian in Bengkulu, Friday, explaining the rare of Rafflesia arnoldi flower. a promotional tour in the capital of Bengkulu province, especially to foreign countries. “We have a lot of tourist attraction with its own particularities, but for promotion to the international world, we make arnoldi Rafflesia flower as its icon,” he said. In each time talks with overseas tourists who come to the area, their average live to see the rare flora was first discovered by the Governor General Thomas Raffles and his personal physician, arnoldi.